Source code for sts.util.rpc_forker

from abc import *
import os
from SimpleXMLRPCServer import SimpleXMLRPCServer
import xmlrpclib
import sys
import marshal
import signal
from sts.util.convenience import find_port
from pox.lib.util import connect_with_backoff
import logging
log = logging.getLogger("rpc_forker")

def test_serialize_response(*args):
[docs] for arg in args: try: xmlrpclib.dumps((arg,), methodresponse=True) except Exception as e: print "Could not serialize arg %s" % str(arg) raise e def test_serialize_request(methodname, *args):
[docs] for arg in args: try: xmlrpclib.dumps((arg,), methodresponse=True, methodname=methodname) except Exception as e: print "Could not serialize arg %s" % str(arg) raise e class TaskRegistry(object):
[docs] ''' Maintains code for tasks to be Forked. ''' def __init__(self):
[docs] self._name_to_task = {} def register_task(self, task_name, code_block):
[docs] self._name_to_task[task_name] = code_block def get_task(self, task_name):
[docs] if task_name not in self._name_to_task: raise ValueError("Task %s is not registered" % task_name) return self._name_to_task[task_name] class Forker(object):
[docs] ''' Easily fork a job and retrieve the results ''' # Implementation: # - parent forks a child # - child runs an RPC server # - parent invokes (blocking) RPC on child # - child eventually returns, and shuts itself down # - parent returns result to caller. __metaclass__ = ABCMeta def __init__(self):
[docs] self._task_registry = TaskRegistry() @abstractmethod
def register_task(self, task_name, code_block):
[docs] ''' Register a new task to be invoked by this Forker. Parameters: - task_name: the name of the task to be run, later passed to fork() - code_block: a function object to be invoked via RPC in the child process. *Must not* depend on any environment state contained in its closure. ''' pass @abstractmethod
def fork(self, task_name, *args, **kws):
[docs] ''' Fork off a child process and invoke the child RPC method. Return the json_hash sent by the child. Raises a ValueError if task_name is not registered.''' pass def _new_child_url(self, ip='localhost', port=None):
# Called within the parent process if port is None: port = find_port(xrange(3000,6000)) return (ip, port) def _invoke_child_rpc(self, ip, port, task_name, *args): # Called within the parent process child_url = "http://" + str(ip) + ":" + str(port) + "/" log.debug("Invoking task %s on child %s" % (task_name, child_url,)) test_serialize_request(task_name, *args) proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(child_url, allow_none=True) def invoke_child(): return getattr(proxy, task_name)(*args) child_return = connect_with_backoff(invoke_child) # Magic to close the underlying socket. I'm not sure if this is actually # needed? See ServerProxy.__call__ in: # proxy("close")() return child_return def _initialize_child_rpc_server(self, ip, port): # Called within the child process. # The child's RPC methods must registered through register_task() self.server = SimpleXMLRPCServer((ip, port), allow_none=True, bind_and_activate=False) self.server.allow_reuse_address = True self.server.server_bind() self.server.server_activate() class LocalForker(Forker):
[docs] # set of process ids that are currently running. These are all killed upon # signal reception. _active_pids = set() @staticmethod def kill_all():
[docs] for pid in list(LocalForker._active_pids): os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM) LocalForker._active_pids.clear() def register_task(self, task_name, code_block):
[docs] self._task_registry.register_task(task_name, code_block) def fork(self, task_name, *args, **kws):
[docs] # N.B. get_task raises an exception if task_name is not registered task = self._task_registry.get_task(task_name) (ip, port) = self._new_child_url() # TODO(cs): use subprocess to spawn baby snakes instead of os.fork() pid = os.fork() if pid == 0: # Child # Send parents interrupts to the child os.setsid() self._initialize_child_rpc_server(ip, port) self.server.register_function(task, task_name) self.server.handle_request() sys.exit(0) else: # Parent LocalForker._active_pids.add(pid) try: child_return = self._invoke_child_rpc(ip, port, task_name, *args, **kws) LocalForker._active_pids.remove(pid) except xmlrpclib.Fault as err: print "An RPC fault occurred" print "Fault code: %d" % err.faultCode print "Fault string: %s" % err.faultString raise os.waitpid(pid, 0) return child_return class RemoteForker(Forker):
[docs] def __init__(self, server_info_list):
[docs] ''' cycles through server_info_list for each invocation of fork() ''' pass def register_task(self, task_name, code_block):
[docs] # Serialize the code_block so we can send it across the wire to the child serialized_code = marshal.dumps(code_block.func_code)\ .encode('base64') self._task_registry.register_task(task_name, serialized_code) def fork(self, task_name, *args, **kws):
[docs] # TODO(cs): Need to define a main() method for the child process, tell child what URL # to bind to via command line arguments, and have child boot # up an RPC server. Then send over the TaskRegistry's task code over the wire, # have the child deserialize the base64 encoded func object, and have the # child register the tasks as RPC stubs. task = self._task_registry.get_task(task_name) pass