Source code for sts.util.console

# Copyright 2011-2013 Colin Scott
# Copyright 2011-2013 Andreas Wundsam
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import sys

BEGIN = '\033[1;'
END = '\033[1;m'

[docs]class color(object): GRAY, RED, GREEN, YELLOW, BLUE, MAGENTA, CYAN, WHITE, CRIMSON = map(lambda num : BEGIN + str(num) + "m", range(30, 39)) B_GRAY, B_RED, B_GREEN, B_YELLOW, B_BLUE, B_MAGENTA, B_CYAN, B_WHITE, B_CRIMSON = map(lambda num: BEGIN + str(num) + "m", range(40, 49)) NORMAL = END
[docs]class msg(): global_io_master = None BEGIN = '\033[1;' END = '\033[1;m' GRAY, RED, GREEN, YELLOW, BLUE, MAGENTA, CYAN, WHITE, CRIMSON = map(lambda num: str(num) + "m", range(30, 39)) B_BLACK, B_RED, B_GREEN, B_YELLOW, B_BLUE, B_MAGENTA, B_CYAN, B_GRAY, B_CRIMSON = map(lambda num: str(num) + "m", range(40, 49)) @staticmethod
[docs] def interactive(message): # todo: would be nice to simply give logger a color arg, but that doesn't exist... print msg.BEGIN + msg.WHITE + message + msg.END
[docs] def event(message): print msg.BEGIN + msg.CYAN + message + msg.END
[docs] def event_success(message): print msg.BEGIN + msg.GREEN + msg.BEGIN + msg.B_BLUE + message + msg.END
[docs] def event_timeout(message): print msg.BEGIN + msg.RED + msg.BEGIN + msg.B_BLUE + message + msg.END
[docs] def mcs_event(message): print msg.BEGIN + msg.B_MAGENTA + message + msg.END
[docs] def raw_input(message): prompt = msg.BEGIN + msg.WHITE + message + msg.END if msg.global_io_master: s = msg.global_io_master.raw_input(prompt) else: s = raw_input(prompt) if s == "debug": import pdb pdb.set_trace() return s
[docs] def success(message): print msg.BEGIN + msg.B_GREEN + msg.BEGIN + msg.WHITE + message + msg.END
[docs] def fail(message): print msg.BEGIN + msg.B_RED + msg.BEGIN + msg.WHITE + message + msg.END
[docs] def set_io_master(io_master): msg.global_io_master = io_master
[docs] def unset_io_master(): msg.global_io_master = None
[docs]class Tee(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, target): = target self.orig_stdout = None self.orig_stderr = None
[docs] def tee_src(self, src): _self = self class DoubleIO(object): def write(self, s): src.write(s) return DoubleIO()
[docs] def tee_stdout(self): self.orig_stdout = sys.stdout if not hasattr(sys, "_orig_stdout"): sys._orig_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = self.tee_src(sys.stdout)
[docs] def tee_stderr(self): self.orig_stderr = sys.stderr sys.stderr = self.tee_src(sys.stderr)
[docs] def close(self): if self.orig_stdout: sys.stdout = self.orig_stdout if self.orig_stderr: sys.stderr = self.orig_stderr