# Copyright 2011-2013 Colin Scott
# Copyright 2012-2013 Andrew Or
# Copyright 2011-2013 Andreas Wundsam
# Copyright 2012-2013 Sam Whitlock
# Copyright 2012-2012 Kyriakos Zarifis
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
If the user does not specify a topology to test on, use by default a full mesh
of switches, with one host connected to each switch. For example, with N = 3:
host1 host2
| |
\ /
(2) (4)
\ /
\ /
\ /
from sts.fingerprints.messages import DPFingerprint
from entities import FuzzSoftwareSwitch, Link, Host, HostInterface, AccessLink, NamespaceHost
from pox.openflow.software_switch import DpPacketOut, SoftwareSwitch
from pox.openflow.libopenflow_01 import *
from pox.lib.revent import EventMixin
from sts.util.console import msg
import itertools
import logging
from collections import defaultdict
log = logging.getLogger("sts.topology")
[docs]def create_switch(switch_id, num_ports, can_connect_to_endhosts=True):
ports = []
for port_no in range(1, num_ports+1):
eth_addr = EthAddr("00:00:00:00:%02x:%02x" % (switch_id, port_no))
port = ofp_phy_port( port_no=port_no, hw_addr=eth_addr, name="eth%d" % port_no )
# monkey patch an IP address onto the port for anteater purposes
port.ip_addr = "1.1.%d.%d" % (switch_id, port_no)
def unitialized_io_worker(switch):
raise SystemError("Not initialialized")
return FuzzSoftwareSwitch(dpid=switch_id, name="SoftSwitch(%d)" % switch_id,
[docs]def get_switchs_host_port(switch):
''' Return the switch's ofp_phy_port connected to the host '''
# We wire up the last port of the switch to the host
# TODO(cs): this is arbitrary and hacky
return switch.ports[sorted(switch.ports.keys())[-1]]
[docs]def create_host(ingress_switch_or_switches, mac_or_macs=None, ip_or_ips=None,
''' Create a Host, wired up to the given ingress switches '''
switches = ingress_switch_or_switches
if type(switches) != list:
switches = [ingress_switch_or_switches]
macs = mac_or_macs
if mac_or_macs and type(mac_or_macs) != list:
macs = [mac_or_macs]
ips = ip_or_ips
if ip_or_ips and type(ip_or_ips) != list:
ips = [ip_or_ips]
interfaces = []
interface_switch_pairs = []
for switch in switches:
port = get_switch_port(switch)
if macs:
mac = macs.pop(0)
mac = EthAddr("12:34:56:78:%02x:%02x" % (switch.dpid, port.port_no))
if ips:
ip_addr = ips.pop(0)
ip_addr = IPAddr("123.123.%d.%d" % (switch.dpid, port.port_no))
name = "eth%d" % switch.dpid
interface = HostInterface(mac, ip_addr, name)
interface_switch_pairs.append((interface, switch))
name = "host:" + ",".join(map(lambda interface: "%s" % str(interface.ips), interfaces))
host = Host(interfaces, name)
access_links = [ AccessLink(host, interface, switch, get_switch_port(switch))
for interface, switch in interface_switch_pairs ]
return (host, access_links)
[docs]def create_netns_host(create_io_worker, ingress_switch,
get_switch_port=get_switchs_host_port, cmd='xterm'):
Create a host with a process running in a separate network namespace.
The netns can only communicate with a single interface (for now) because it must
correspond to the physical interface in the network namespace guest.
Because there is only 1 logical interface possible, this means that there can only be
1 switch as well.
- ip_addr_str must be a string! not a IpAddr object
if ip_addr_str == "":
ip_addr_str = "123.123.%d.%d" % (ingress_switch.dpid, get_switch_port(ingress_switch).port_no)
host = NamespaceHost(ip_addr_str, create_io_worker, cmd=cmd)
interface = host.interfaces[0]
access_link = AccessLink(host, interface, ingress_switch, get_switch_port(ingress_switch))
return (host, [access_link]) # single item list to be consistent with create_host
[docs]class PatchPanel(object):
A Patch panel. Contains a bunch of wires to forward packets between switches.
Listens to the SwitchDPPacketOut event on the switches.
[docs] def __init__(self, switches, hosts, connected_port_mapping):
- switches: a list of the switches in the network
- hosts: a list of hosts in the network
- connected_port_mapping: a function which takes (switch_no, port_no, dpid2switch),
and returns the adjacent (node, port) or None
self.switches = sorted(switches, key=lambda(sw): sw.dpid)
self.get_connected_port = connected_port_mapping
self.hosts = hosts
for s in self.switches:
s.addListener(DpPacketOut, self.handle_DpPacketOut)
for host in self.hosts:
host.addListener(DpPacketOut, self.handle_DpPacketOut)
[docs] def handle_DpPacketOut(self, event):
(node, port) = self.get_connected_port(event.node, event.port)
if type(node) == Host:
self.deliver_packet(node, event.packet, port)
self.forward_packet(node, event.packet, port)
[docs] def get_connected_port(self, node, port): # TODO(sw): is this actually necessary?
return self.get_connected_port(node, port)
[docs] def forward_packet(self, next_switch, packet, next_port):
''' Forward the packet to the given port '''
if type(next_port) != int:
next_port = next_port.port_no
next_switch.process_packet(packet, next_port)
[docs] def deliver_packet(self, host, packet, host_interface):
''' Deliver the packet to its final destination '''
host.receive(host_interface, packet)
[docs]def BufferedPatchPanelForTopology(topology):
Given a pox.lib.graph.graph object with hosts, switches, and other things,
produce an appropriate BufferedPatchPanel
return BufferedPatchPanel(topology.find(is_a=SoftwareSwitch), topology.find(is_a=Host), \
lambda node, port:topology.port_for_node(node, port))
[docs]class BufferedPatchPanel(PatchPanel, EventMixin):
A Buffered Patch panel.Listens to SwitchDPPacketOut and HostDpPacketOut events,
and re-raises them to listeners of this object. Does not traffic until given
permission from a higher-level.
_eventMixin_events = set([DpPacketOut])
[docs] def __init__(self, switches, hosts, connected_port_mapping):
self.get_connected_port = connected_port_mapping
self.switches = sorted(switches, key=lambda(sw): sw.dpid)
self.hosts = hosts
# Buffered dp out events
self.fingerprint2dp_outs = defaultdict(list)
def handle_DpPacketOut(event):
fingerprint = (DPFingerprint.from_pkt(event.packet),
event.node.dpid, event.port.port_no)
# Monkey patch on a fingerprint for this event
event.fingerprint = fingerprint
for _, s in enumerate(self.switches):
s.addListener(DpPacketOut, handle_DpPacketOut)
for host in self.hosts:
host.addListener(DpPacketOut, handle_DpPacketOut)
[docs] def queued_dataplane_events(self):
list_of_lists = self.fingerprint2dp_outs.values()
return list(itertools.chain(*list_of_lists))
[docs] def permit_dp_event(self, dp_event):
''' Given a SwitchDpPacketOut event, permit it to be forwarded '''
# TODO(cs): self.forward_packet should not be externally visible!
msg.event("Forwarding dataplane event")
# Invoke superclass DpPacketOut handler
[docs] def drop_dp_event(self, dp_event):
Given a SwitchDpPacketOut event, remove it from our buffer, and do not forward.
Return the dropped event.
msg.event("Dropping dataplane event")
return dp_event
def _remove_dp_event(self, dp_event):
# Pre: dp_event.fingerprint in self.fingerprint2dp_outs
if self.fingerprint2dp_outs[dp_event.fingerprint] == []:
del self.fingerprint2dp_outs[dp_event.fingerprint]
[docs] def get_buffered_dp_event(self, fingerprint):
if fingerprint in self.fingerprint2dp_outs:
return self.fingerprint2dp_outs[fingerprint][0]
return None
[docs]class LinkTracker(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, dpid2switch, port2access_link, interface2access_link,
self.dpid2switch = dpid2switch
self.port2access_link = port2access_link
self.interface2access_link = interface2access_link
self.port2internal_link = port2internal_link
# { (start dpid, end dpid) -> link }
self.dpidpair2link = {
(link.start_software_switch.dpid, link.end_software_switch.dpid) : link
for link in self.network_links
# Metatdata for simulated failures
# sts.entities.Link objects
self.cut_links = set()
[docs] def network_links(self):
return self.port2internal_link.values()
[docs] def access_links(self):
return self.interface2access_link.values()
[docs] def live_links(self):
return set(self.network_links) - self.cut_links
[docs] def sever_link(self, link):
msg.event("Cutting link %s" % str(link))
if link not in self.network_links:
raise ValueError("unknown link %s" % str(link))
if link in self.cut_links:
raise RuntimeError("link %s already cut!" % str(link))
# TODO(cs): the switch on the other end of the link should eventually
# notice that the link has gone down!
[docs] def repair_link(self, link):
msg.event("Restoring link %s" % str(link))
if link not in self.network_links:
raise ValueError("Unknown link %s" % str(link))
# TODO(cs): the switch on the other end of the link should eventually
# notice that the link has come back up!
[docs] def create_access_link(self, host, interface, switch, port):
Create an access link between a host and a switch
If no interface is provided, an unused interface is used
If no port is provided, an unused port is used
if interface is None:
interface = self.find_unused_interface(host)
if port is None:
port = self.find_unused_port(switch)
link = AccessLink(host, interface, switch, port)
self.port2access_link[port] = new_access_link
self.interface2access_link[interface] = new_access_link
return link
[docs] def remove_access_link(self, host, switch):
''' Remove an access link between a host and a switch '''
for port in switch.ports.values():
if port in self.port2access_link.keys():
link = self.port2access_link[port]
if link.host is host and link.switch is switch:
del self.port2access_link[port]
for interface in host.interfaces:
if interface in self.interface2access_link.keys():
link = self.interface2access_link[interface]
if link.host is host and link.switch is switch:
del self.interface2access_link[interface]
[docs] def create_network_link(self, from_switch, from_port, to_switch, to_port):
Create a unidirectional network (internal) link between two switches
If a port is not provided, an unused port in the corresponding switch is used
if from_port is None:
from_port = self.find_unused_port(from_switch)
if to_port is None:
to_port = self.find_unused_port(to_switch)
link = Link(from_switch, from_port, to_switch, to_port)
self.port2internal_link[from_port] = link
self.dpidpair2link[(from_switch.dpid, to_switch.dpid)] = link
return link
[docs] def remove_network_link(self, from_switch, to_switch):
''' Remove a unidirectional network (internal) link between two switches '''
for port in from_switch.ports.values():
if port in self.port2internal_link.keys():
link = self.port2internal_link[port]
if link.start_software_switch is from_switch and\
link.end_software_switch is to_switch:
del self.port2internal_link[port]
del self.dpid2pair2link[(link.start_software_switch.dpid,
[docs] def find_unused_port(self, switch):
''' Find a switch's unused port; if no such port exists, create a new one '''
for port_number, port in switch.ports.items():
if port not in self.port2internal_link.keys() and \
port not in self.port2access_link.keys():
return port
new_port_number = max([port_number for port_number in switch.ports.keys()])+1
new_port = ofp_phy_port(port_no=new_port_number)
switch.ports[new_port_number] = new_port
return new_port
[docs] def find_unused_interface(self, host):
''' Find a host's unused interface; if no such interface exists, create a new one '''
for interface in host.interfaces:
if interface not in self.interface2access_link.keys():
return interface
new_interface_addr = max([interface.hw_addr.toInt() for interface in host.interfaces])+1
new_interface_addr = hex(new_interface_addr)[2:].zfill(12)
new_interface_addr = new_interface_addr[0:2]+":"+new_interface_addr[2:4]+":"+\
new_interface_addr = EthAddr(new_interface_addr)
new_interface = HostInterface(new_interface_addr)
return new_interface
[docs] def port_connected(self, port):
''' Return whether the port is currently connected to anything '''
return (port in self.port2access_link or
port in self.interface2access_link or
port in self.port2internal_link)
def __call__(self, node, port):
Given a node and a port, return a tuple (node, port) that is directly
connected to the port.
This can be used in 2 ways
- node is a Host type and port is a HostInterface type
- node is a Switch type and port is a ofp_phy_port type.
if port in self.port2access_link:
access_link = self.port2access_link[port]
return (access_link.host, access_link.interface)
if port in self.interface2access_link:
access_link = self.interface2access_link[port]
return (access_link.switch, access_link.switch_port)
elif port in self.port2internal_link:
network_link = self.port2internal_link[port]
return (network_link.end_software_switch, network_link.end_port)
raise ValueError("Unknown port: %s" % str(port))
def _get_switch_by_dpid(self, dpid):
if dpid not in self.dpid2switch:
raise ValueError("Unknown switch dpid: %s" % str(dpid))
return self.dpid2switch[dpid]
[docs] def migrate_host(self, old_ingress_dpid, old_ingress_portno,
new_ingress_dpid, new_ingress_portno):
Migrate the host from the old (ingress switch, port) to the new
(ingress switch, port). Note that the new port must not already be
present, otherwise an exception will be thrown (we treat all switches as
configurable software switches for convenience, rather than hardware switches
with a fixed number of ports)
old_ingress_switch = self._get_switch_by_dpid(old_ingress_dpid)
if old_ingress_portno not in old_ingress_switch.ports:
raise ValueError("unknown old_ingress_portno %d" % old_ingress_portno)
old_port = old_ingress_switch.ports[old_ingress_portno]
(host, interface) = self(old_ingress_switch, old_port) # using __call__
if not (isinstance(host, Host) and isinstance(interface, HostInterface)):
raise ValueError("(%s,%s) does not connect to a host!" %
(str(old_ingress_switch), str(old_port)))
new_ingress_switch = self._get_switch_by_dpid(new_ingress_dpid)
if new_ingress_portno in new_ingress_switch.ports:
raise RuntimeError("new ingress port %d already exists!" % new_ingress_portno)
# now that we've verified everything, actually make the change!
# first, drop the old mappings
del self.port2access_link[old_port]
del self.interface2access_link[interface]
# now add new mappings
# For now, make the new port have the same ip address as the old port.
# TODO(cs): this would break PORTLAND routing! Need to specify the
# new mac and IP addresses
new_ingress_port = ofp_phy_port(port_no=new_ingress_portno,
name="eth%d" % new_ingress_portno,
new_access_link = AccessLink(host, interface, new_ingress_switch, new_ingress_port)
self.port2access_link[new_ingress_port] = new_access_link
self.interface2access_link[interface] = new_access_link
[docs]class Topology(object):
Abstract base class of all topology types. Wraps the edges and vertices of
the network.
[docs] def __init__(self, create_io_worker=None, gui=False):
self.create_io_worker = create_io_worker
self.dpid2switch = {}
self.hid2host = {}
# SoftwareSwitch objects
self.failed_switches = set()
self.link_tracker = None
self.gui = None
if gui:
from sts.gui.launcher import TopologyGui
self.gui = TopologyGui(self)
def _populate_dpid2switch(self, switches):
self.dpid2switch = {
switch.dpid : switch
for switch in switches
[docs] def access_links(self):
return self.link_tracker.access_links
[docs] def network_links(self):
return self.link_tracker.network_links
[docs] def cut_links(self):
return self.link_tracker.cut_links
[docs] def switches(self):
switches = self.dpid2switch.values()
switches.sort(key=lambda sw: sw.dpid)
return switches
[docs] def hosts(self):
hosts = self.hid2host.values()
hosts.sort(key=lambda h: h.hid)
return hosts
[docs] def get_link(self, dpid1, dpid2):
if (dpid1, dpid2) not in self.link_tracker.dpidpair2link:
raise ValueError("Unknown link (%d -> %d)" % (dpid1, dpid2))
return self.link_tracker.dpidpair2link[(dpid1, dpid2)]
[docs] def create_switch(self, switch_id, num_ports, can_connect_to_endhosts=True):
''' Create a switch and register it in the topology '''
switch = create_switch(switch_id, num_ports, can_connect_to_endhosts)
self.dpid2switch[switch_id] = switch
self.link_tracker.dpid2switch[switch_id] = switch
return switch
[docs] def remove_switch(self, switch):
Remove a switch, along with all associated links and any dangling
hosts previously attached
if switch not in self.dpid2switch.values():
# Remove associated network links
for network_link in self.network_links:
if network_link.start_software_switch is switch or\
network_link.end_software_switch is switch:
port = network_link.start_port
if port in self.link_tracker.port2internal_link.keys():
del self.link_tracker.port2internal_link[port]
# Remove associated access links
for access_link in self.access_links:
if access_link.switch is switch:
port = access_link.switch_port
interface = access_link.interface
host = access_link.host
if port in self.link_tracker.port2access_link.keys():
del self.link_tracker.port2access_link[port]
if interface in self.link_tracker.interface2access_link.keys():
del self.link_tracker.interface2access_link[interface]
# Remove dangling hosts, if any
for i in host.interfaces:
if i in self.link_tracker.interface2access_link.keys():
del self.hid2host[host.hid]
del self.dpid2switch[switch.dpid]
[docs] def create_host(self, ingress_switch_or_switches, mac_or_macs=None, ip_or_ips=None,
''' Create a host, register it in the topology, and wire it to the given switch(es) '''
(host, access_links) = create_host(ingress_switch_or_switches, mac_or_macs,
ip_or_ips, get_switch_port)
self.hid2host[host.hid] = host
for access_link in access_links:
interface = access_link.interface
port = access_link.switch_port
self.link_tracker.port2access_link[port] = access_link
self.link_tracker.interface2access_link[interface] = access_link
return host
[docs] def remove_host(self, host):
''' Remove a host and all associated access links '''
if host not in self.hid2host.values():
# Remove associated access links
for access_link in self.access_links:
if access_link.host is host:
port = access_link.switch_port
interface = access_link.interface
if port in self.link_tracker.port2access_link.keys():
del self.link_tracker.port2access_link[port]
if interface in self.link_tracker.interface2access_link.keys():
del self.link_tracker.interface2access_link[interface]
del self.hid2host[host.hid]
[docs] def get_switch(self, dpid):
if dpid not in self.dpid2switch:
raise RuntimeError("unknown dpid %d" % dpid)
return self.dpid2switch[dpid]
[docs] def get_host(self, hid):
if hid not in self.hid2host:
raise RuntimeError("unknown hid %d" % hid)
return self.hid2host[hid]
[docs] def live_switches(self):
''' Return the software_switchs which are currently up '''
return set(self.switches) - self.failed_switches
[docs] def live_edge_switches(self):
Return the software_switchs which are currently up and can connect to
edge_switches = set(filter(lambda sw: sw.can_connect_to_endhosts, self.switches))
return edge_switches - self.failed_switches
[docs] def ok_to_send(self, dp_event):
''' Return True if it is ok to send the dp_event arg '''
if not self.link_tracker.port_connected(dp_event.port):
return False
(next_hop, next_port) = self.get_connected_port(dp_event.switch,
if type(dp_event.node) == Host or type(next_hop) == Host:
# TODO(cs): model access link failures
return True
link = Link(dp_event.switch, dp_event.port, next_hop, next_port)
if not link in self.cut_links:
return True
return False
[docs] def crash_switch(self, software_switch):
msg.event("Crashing software_switch %s" % str(software_switch))
[docs] def recover_switch(self, software_switch, down_controller_ids=None):
msg.event("Rebooting software_switch %s" % str(software_switch))
if down_controller_ids is None:
down_controller_ids = set()
if software_switch not in self.failed_switches:
raise RuntimeError("Switch %s not currently down. (Currently down: %s)" %
(str(software_switch), str(self.failed_switches)))
connected_to_at_least_one = software_switch\
if connected_to_at_least_one:
return connected_to_at_least_one
[docs] def live_links(self):
return self.link_tracker.live_links
[docs] def sever_link(self, link):
[docs] def repair_link(self, link):
[docs] def create_access_link(self, host, interface, switch, port):
return self.link_tracker.create_access_link(host, interface, switch, port)
[docs] def remove_access_link(self, host, switch):
return self.link_tracker.remove_access_link(host, switch)
[docs] def create_network_link(self, from_switch, from_port, to_switch, to_port):
return self.link_tracker.create_network_link(from_switch, from_port, to_switch, to_port)
[docs] def remove_network_link(self, from_switch, to_switch):
return self.link_tracker.remove_network_link(from_switch, to_switch)
[docs] def blocked_controller_connections(self):
for switch in self.switches:
for connection in switch.connections:
if connection.io_worker.currently_blocked:
yield (switch, connection)
[docs] def unblocked_controller_connections(self):
for switch in self.switches:
for connection in switch.connections:
if not connection.io_worker.currently_blocked:
yield (switch, connection)
[docs] def block_connection(self, connection):
msg.event("Blocking connection %s" % connection)
return connection.io_worker.block()
[docs] def unblock_connection(self, connection):
msg.event("Unblocking connection %s" % connection)
return connection.io_worker.unblock()
[docs] def connect_to_controllers(self, controller_info_list, create_connection):
Bind sockets from the software_switchs to the controllers. For now, assign each
switch to the next controller in the list in a round robin fashion.
Controller info list is a list of ControllerConfig tuples
- create_io_worker is a factory method for creating IOWorker objects.
Takes a socket as a parameter
- create_connection is a factory method for creating Connection objects
which are connected to controllers. Takes a ControllerConfig object
as a parameter
controller_info_cycler = itertools.cycle(controller_info_list)
connections_per_switch = len(controller_info_list)
log.debug('''Connecting %d switches to %d controllers (setting up %d'''
''' conns per switch)...''' %
(len(self.switches), len(controller_info_list), connections_per_switch))
for (idx, software_switch) in enumerate(self.switches):
if len(self.switches) < 20 or not idx % 250:
log.debug("Connecting switch %d / %d" % (idx, len(self.switches)))
# Socket from the software_switch to the controller
for _ in xrange(connections_per_switch):
controller_info = controller_info_cycler.next()
log.debug("Controller connections done")
[docs] def migrate_host(self, old_ingress_dpid, old_ingress_portno,
new_ingress_dpid, new_ingress_portno):
self.link_tracker.migrate_host(old_ingress_dpid, old_ingress_portno,
new_ingress_dpid, new_ingress_portno)
[docs] def populate_from_topology(graph):
Take a pox.lib.graph.graph.Graph and generate arguments needed for the
topology = Topology()
topology.hosts = graph.find(is_a=Host)
# TODO(cs): broken: can't set attribute
topology.switches = graph.find(is_a=SoftwareSwitch)
topology.access_links = [AccessLink(host, switch[0], switch[1][0], switch[1][1])
for host in topology.hosts
for switch in filter(
lambda n: isinstance(n[1][0], SoftwareSwitch),
return topology
[docs] def reset(self):
''' Reset topology without new controllers '''
self.dpid2switch = {}
self.hid2host = {}
self.failed_switches = set()
if self.link_tracker is not None:
self.link_tracker.dpid2switch = {}
self.link_tracker.port2access_link = {}
self.link_tracker.interface2access_link = {}
self.link_tracker.port2internal_link = {}
[docs]class MeshTopology(Topology):
[docs] def __init__(self, num_switches=3, create_io_worker=None, netns_hosts=False, gui=False):
Populate the topology as a mesh of switches, connect the switches
to the controllers
Optional argument(s):
- num_switches. The total number of switches to include in the mesh
- netns_switches. Whether to create network namespace hosts instead of
normal hosts.
Topology.__init__(self, create_io_worker=create_io_worker, gui=gui)
# Every switch has a link to every other switch + 1 host,
# for N*(N-1)+N = N^2 total ports
ports_per_switch = (num_switches - 1) + 1
# Initialize switches
switches = [ create_switch(switch_id, ports_per_switch)
for switch_id in range(1, num_switches+1) ]
if netns_hosts:
host_access_link_pairs = [ create_netns_host(create_io_worker, switch)
for switch in self.switches ]
host_access_link_pairs = [ create_host(switch) for switch in self.switches ]
access_link_list_list = []
for host, access_link_list in host_access_link_pairs:
self.hid2host[host.hid] = host
# this is python's .flatten:
access_links = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(access_link_list_list))
# grab a fully meshed patch panel to wire up these guys
self.link_tracker = MeshTopology.FullyMeshedLinks(self.dpid2switch, access_links)
self.get_connected_port = self.link_tracker
if self.gui is not None:
[docs] class FullyMeshedLinks(LinkTracker):
A factory method (inner class) for creating a fully meshed network.
Connects every pair of switches. Ports are in ascending order of
the dpid of connected switch, while skipping the self-connections.
I.e., for (dpid, portno):
(0, 0) <-> (1,0)
(2, 1) <-> (1,1)
[docs] def __init__(self, dpid2switch, access_links=[]):
port2access_link = { access_link.switch_port: access_link
for access_link in access_links }
interface2access_link = { access_link.interface: access_link
for access_link in access_links }
switches = dpid2switch.values()
# Access links to hosts are already claimed, all other internal links
# are not yet claimed
switch2unclaimed_ports = { switch : filter(lambda p: p not in port2access_link,
for switch in switches }
port2internal_link = {}
for i, switch_i in enumerate(switches):
for switch_j in switches[i+1:]:
switch_i_port = switch2unclaimed_ports[switch_i].pop()
switch_j_port = switch2unclaimed_ports[switch_j].pop()
link_i2j = Link(switch_i, switch_i_port, switch_j, switch_j_port)
link_j2i = link_i2j.reversed_link()
port2internal_link[switch_i_port] = link_i2j
port2internal_link[switch_j_port] = link_j2i
self.port2internal_link = port2internal_link
LinkTracker.__init__(self, dpid2switch, port2access_link,
interface2access_link, port2internal_link)
[docs]class FatTree (Topology):
''' Construct a FatTree topology with a given number of pods '''
[docs] def __init__(self, num_pods=4, create_io_worker=None, gui=False):
if num_pods < 2:
raise "Can't handle Fat Trees with less than 2 pods"
Topology.__init__(self, create_io_worker=create_io_worker, gui=gui)
self.cores = []
self.aggs = []
self.edges = []
self.dpid2switch = {}
self.hid2host = {}
self.link_tracker = None
if self.gui is not None:
[docs] def construct_tree(self, num_pods):
According to "A Scalable, Commodity Data Center Network Architecture",
k = number of ports per switch = number of pods
number core switches = (k/2)^2
number of edge switches per pod = k / 2
number of agg switches per pod = k / 2
number of hosts attached to each edge switch = k / 2
number of hosts per pod = (k/2)^2
total number of hosts = k^3 / 4
log.debug("Constructing fat tree with %d pods" % num_pods)
# self == store these numbers for later
k = self.k = self.ports_per_switch = self.num_pods = num_pods
self.hosts_per_pod = self.total_core = (k/2)**2
self.edge_per_pod = self.agg_per_pod = self.hosts_per_edge = k / 2
self.total_hosts = self.hosts_per_pod * num_pods
access_links = set()
network_links = set()
current_pod_id = -1
# zero is not a valid dpid -- (first dpid is 0+1)
current_dpid = 0
# We construct it from bottom up, starting at host <-> edge
for i in range(self.total_hosts):
if not i % 1000:
log.debug("Host %d / %d" % (i, self.total_hosts))
if (i % self.hosts_per_pod) == 0:
current_pod_id += 1
if (i % self.hosts_per_edge) == 0:
current_dpid += 1
edge_switch = create_switch(current_dpid, self.ports_per_switch)
edge_switch.pod_id = current_pod_id
edge = self.edges[-1]
# edge ports 1 through (k/2) are dedicated to hosts, and (k/2)+1 through
# k are for agg
edge_port_no = (i % self.hosts_per_edge) + 1
# We give it a portland pseudo mac, just for giggles
# Slightly modified from portland (no vmid, assume 8 bit pod id):
# 00:00:00:<pod>:<position>:<port>
# position and pod are 0-indexed, port is 1-indexed
position = (len(self.edges)-1) % self.edge_per_pod
edge.position = position
portland_mac = EthAddr("00:00:00:%02x:%02x:%02x" %
(current_pod_id, position, edge_port_no))
# Uhh, unfortunately, OpenFlow 1.0 doesn't support prefix matching on MAC
# addresses. So we do prefix matching on IP addresses, which yields
# exactly the same # of flow entries for HSA, right?
portland_ip_addr = IPAddr("123.%d.%d.%d" %
(current_pod_id, position, edge_port_no))
(host, host_access_links) = create_host(edge, portland_mac, portland_ip_addr,
lambda switch: switch.ports[edge_port_no])
host.pod_id = current_pod_id
self.hid2host[host.hid] = host
access_links = access_links.union(set(host_access_links))
# Now edge <-> agg
for pod_id in range(num_pods):
if not pod_id % 10:
log.debug("edge<->agg for pod %d / %d" % (pod_id, num_pods))
current_aggs = []
for _ in range(self.agg_per_pod):
current_dpid += 1
agg = create_switch(current_dpid, self.ports_per_switch,
agg.pod_id = pod_id
current_edges = self.edges[pod_id * self.edge_per_pod : \
(pod_id * self.edge_per_pod) + self.edge_per_pod]
# edge ports (k/2)+1 through k connect to aggs
# agg port k+1 connects to edge switch k in the pod
current_agg_port_no = 1
for edge in current_edges:
current_edge_port_no = (k/2)+1
for agg in current_aggs:
network_links.add(Link(edge, edge.ports[current_edge_port_no],
agg, agg.ports[current_agg_port_no]))
network_links.add(Link(agg, agg.ports[current_agg_port_no],
edge, edge.ports[current_edge_port_no]))
current_edge_port_no += 1
current_agg_port_no += 1
self.aggs += current_aggs
# Finally, agg <-> core
for i in range(self.total_core):
if not i % 100:
log.debug("agg<->core %d / %d" % (i, self.total_core))
current_dpid += 1
self.cores.append(create_switch(current_dpid, self.ports_per_switch,
core_cycler = itertools.cycle(self.cores)
for agg in self.aggs:
# agg ports (k/2)+1 through k connect to cores
# core port i+1 connects to pod i
for agg_port_no in range(k/2+1, k+1):
core = core_cycler.next()
core_port_no = agg.pod_id + 1
network_links.add(Link(agg, agg.ports[agg_port_no], core,
network_links.add(Link(core, core.ports[core_port_no], agg,
switches = self.cores + self.aggs + self.edges
self.wire_tree(access_links, network_links)
self._sanity_check_tree(access_links, network_links)
log.debug('''Fat tree construction: done (%d cores, %d aggs,'''
'''%d edges, %d hosts)''' %
(len(self.cores), len(self.aggs), len(self.edges), len(self.hosts)))
[docs] def wire_tree(self, access_links, network_links):
# Auxiliary data to make get_connected_port efficient
port2internal_link = { link.start_port: link
for link in network_links }
port2access_link = { access_link.switch_port: access_link
for access_link in access_links }
interface2access_link = { access_link.interface: access_link
for access_link in access_links }
link_tracker = self.FatTreeLinks(port2access_link, interface2access_link,
port2internal_link, self.dpid2switch)
self.get_connected_port = link_tracker
self.link_tracker = link_tracker
def _sanity_check_tree(self, access_links, network_links):
# TODO(cs): this should be in a unit test, not here
if len(access_links) != self.total_hosts:
raise RuntimeError("incorrect # of access links (%d, s/b %d)" % \
# k = number of ports per switch = number of pods
# number core switches = (k/2)^2
# number of edge switches per pod = k / 2
# number of agg switches per pod = k / 2
total_switches = self.total_core + ((self.edge_per_pod + self.agg_per_pod) * self.k)
# uni-directional links (on in both directions):
total_network_links = (total_switches * self.k) - self.total_hosts
if len(network_links) != total_network_links:
raise RuntimeError("incorrect # of internal links (%d, s/b %d)" % \
[docs] def install_default_routes(self):
Install static routes as proposed in Section 3 of
"A Scalable, Commodity Data Center Network Architecture".
This is really a strawman routing scheme. PORTLAND, et. al. are much better
[docs] def install_portland_routes(self):
We use a modified version of PORTLAND. We make two changes: OpenFlow 1.0
doesn't support prefix matching on MAC addresses, so we use IP addresses
instead. (same # of flow entries, and we don't model flooding anyway)
Second, we ignore vmid and assume 8 bit pod ids. So, IPs are of the form:
k = self.k
for core in self.cores:
# When forwarding a packet, the core switch simply inspects the bits
# corresponding to the pod number in the PMAC destination address to
# determine the appropriate output port.
for port_no in core.ports.keys():
# port_no i+1 corresponds to pod i
match = ofp_match(nw_dst="123.%d.0.0/16" % (port_no-1))
flow_mod = ofp_flow_mod(match=match, actions=[ofp_action_output(port=port_no)])
for agg in self.aggs:
# Aggregation switches must determine whether a packet is destined for a host
# in the same or different pod by inspecting the PMAC. If in the same pod,
# the packet must be forwarded to an output port corresponding to the position
# entry in the PMAC. If in a different pod, the packet may be forwarded along
# any of the aggregation switch's links to the core layer in the fault-free case.
pod_id = agg.pod_id
for port_no in range(1, k/2+1):
# ports 1 through k/2 are connected to edge switches 0 through k/2-1
position = port_no - 1
match = ofp_match(nw_dst="123.%d.%d.0/24" % (pod_id, position))
flow_mod = ofp_flow_mod(match=match, actions=[ofp_action_output(port=port_no)])
# We model load balancing to uplinks as a single flow entry -- h/w supports
# ecmp efficiently while only requiring a single TCAM entry
match = ofp_match(nw_dst="")
# Forward to the right-most uplink
flow_mod = ofp_flow_mod(match=match, actions=[ofp_action_output(port=k)])
for edge in self.edges:
# if a connected host, deliver to host. Else, ECMP over uplinks
pod_id = edge.pod_id
position = edge.position
for port_no in range(1,k/2+1):
# Route down to the host
match = ofp_match(nw_dst="123.%d.%d.%d" % (pod_id, position, port_no))
flow_mod = ofp_flow_mod(match=match, actions=[ofp_action_output(port=port_no)])
# We model load balancing to uplinks as a single flow entry --
# h/w supports ecmp efficiently while only requiring a single TCAM entry
match = ofp_match(nw_dst="")
# Forward to the right-most uplink
flow_mod = ofp_flow_mod(match=match, actions=[ofp_action_output(port=k)])
[docs] class FatTreeLinks(LinkTracker):
# TODO(cs): perhaps we should not use inheritance here, since it is
# essentially entirely trivial. Alternatively, we could just have an
# overloaded constructor in the LinkTracker class?
[docs] def __init__(self, port2access_link, interface2access_link, port2internal_link, dpid2switch):
LinkTracker.__init__(self, dpid2switch, port2access_link,
interface2access_link, port2internal_link)