Source code for sts.snapshot
# Copyright 2011-2013 Colin Scott
# Copyright 2011-2013 Andreas Wundsam
# Copyright 2012-2013 Sam Whitlock
# Copyright 2012-2012 Kyriakos Zarifis
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import urllib2
import logging
import json
import string
import time
from pox.lib.graph.util import NOMDecoder
from pox.openflow.topology import OpenFlowSwitch
from pox.openflow.flow_table import FlowTable, TableEntry
from pox.openflow.libopenflow_01 import ofp_match, ofp_action_output
from sts.entities import POXController, BigSwitchController
log = logging.getLogger("Snapshot")
[docs]class Snapshot(object):
A Snapshot object is a description of the controllers' view of the network in terms that are meaningful
to the debugger. Any snaphsot grabbed from any controller should be transformed
into a Snapshot object in order to be fed to HSA
def __int__(self):
self.time = None
self.switches = []
# The debugger doesn't use the next two (for now anyway)
self.hosts = []
self.links = []
def __repr__(self):
return "<Snapshot object: (%i switches)>"%len(self.switches)
[docs]class SnapshotService(object):
Controller-specific SnapshotServices take care of grabbing a snapshot from
their controller in whatever format the controller exports it, and translating
it into a Snaphot object that is meaningful to the debbuger
[docs] def __init__(self):
self.snapshot = Snapshot()
[docs] def fetchSnapshot(self, controller):
[docs]class FlexibleNOMDecoder:
[docs] def __init__(self):
self.pox_nom_decoder = NOMDecoder()
[docs] def decode(self, json):
if isinstance(json, (str, unicode)) and string.find(json, "__module__")>=0:
return self.pox_nom_decoder.decode(json)
return self.decode_switch(json)
[docs] def decode_switch(self, json):
flow_table = self.decode_flow_table(json["flow_table"] if "flow_table" in json else json["flowTable"])
switch = OpenFlowSwitch(json["dpid"], flow_table=flow_table)
return switch
[docs] def decode_flow_table(self, json):
ft = FlowTable()
for e in json["entries"]:
return ft
[docs] def decode_entry(self, json):
e = TableEntry()
for (k, v) in json.iteritems():
if k == "match":
e.match = self.decode_match(v)
elif k == "actions":
e.actions = [ self.decode_action(a) for a in v ]
setattr(e, k, v)
return e
[docs] def decode_match(self, json):
return ofp_match(**json)
[docs] def decode_action(self, json):
a = ofp_action_output(port = json['port'])
return a
[docs]class SyncProtoSnapshotService(SnapshotService):
[docs] def __init__(self):
self.myNOMDecoder = FlexibleNOMDecoder()
[docs] def fetchSnapshot(self, controller):
jsonNOM = controller.sync_connection.get_nom_snapshot()
# Update local Snapshot object
self.snapshot.switches = [self.myNOMDecoder.decode(s) for s in jsonNOM["switches"]]
self.snapshot.hosts = [self.myNOMDecoder.decode(h) for h in jsonNOM["hosts"]]
self.snapshot.links = [self.myNOMDecoder.decode(l) for l in jsonNOM["links"]]
self.snapshot.time = time.time()
return self.snapshot
[docs]class PoxSnapshotService(SnapshotService):
[docs] def __init__(self):
self.port = 7790
self.myNOMDecoder = NOMDecoder()
[docs] def fetchSnapshot(self, controller):
from pox.lib.util import connect_socket_with_backoff
import socket
snapshotSocket = connect_socket_with_backoff('', self.port)
log.debug("Sending Request")
snapshotSocket.send("{\"getnom\":0}", socket.MSG_WAITALL)
log.debug("Receiving Results")
jsonstr = ""
while True:
data = snapshotSocket.recv(1024)
log.debug("%d byte packet received" % len(data))
if not data: break
jsonstr += data
if len(data) != 1024: break
jsonNOM = json.loads(jsonstr) # (json string with the NOM)
# Update local Snapshot object
self.snapshot.switches = [self.myNOMDecoder.decode(s) for s in jsonNOM["switches"]]
self.snapshot.hosts = [self.myNOMDecoder.decode(h) for h in jsonNOM["hosts"]]
self.snapshot.links = [self.myNOMDecoder.decode(l) for l in jsonNOM["links"]]
self.snapshot.time = time.time()
return self.snapshot
[docs]class BigSwitchSnapshotService(SnapshotService):
[docs] def __init__(self):
[docs] def fetchSnapshot(self, controller):
req = urllib2.Request('http://localhost:8080/wm/core/proact')
response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
json_data =
l = json.loads(json_data)
res = []
for m in l:
return res
# Create local Snapshot object
snapshot = Snapshot()
self.snapshot = snapshot
return self.snapshot
[docs]def get_snapshotservice(controller_configs):
'''Return a SnapshotService object determined by the name of the first
controller in the controller_configs.
For now, we only support a homogenous controller environment.'''
# Read from config what controller we are using
# TODO(cs): allow for heterogenous controllers?
if controller_configs != [] and controller_configs[0].sync:
snapshotService = SyncProtoSnapshotService()
elif controller_configs != [] and controller_configs[0].type == POXController:
snapshotService = PoxSnapshotService()
elif controller_configs != [] and controller_configs[0].type == BigSwitchController:
snapshotService = BigSwitchSnapshotService()
# We default snapshotService to POX
snapshotService = PoxSnapshotService()
return snapshotService