Source code for sts.headerspace.headerspace.applications

Created on Jan 27, 2011

@author: peyman kazemian
from sts.headerspace.headerspace.hs import *
from import *
from sts.headerspace.config_parser.openflow_parser import get_uniq_port_id
import sts.headerspace.config_parser.openflow_parser as of

import sys
import glob
import os
import subprocess
import logging
log = logging.getLogger("headerspace")
from collections import defaultdict

# What is a p_node?
# A hash apparently:
#  hdr -> foo
#  port -> foo
#  visits -> foo

[docs]def translate_ports(ports): ports = list(ports) if type(ports[0]) != int: # They are switch objects port_nos = [] for sw in ports: for port_no in sw.ports.keys(): port_nos.append(get_uniq_port_id(sw, port_no)) ports = port_nos return ports
[docs]def find_reachability(NTF, TTF, edge_links, test_packet=None): edge_ports = map(lambda access_link: get_uniq_port_id(access_link.switch, access_link.switch_port), edge_links) paths = defaultdict(list) propagation = [] if len(edge_ports) == 0: log.warn("No ports to check!") return [] for in_port in edge_ports: out_ports = list(set(edge_ports) - set([in_port])) # put all-x test packet in propagation graph input_pkt = test_packet if input_pkt == None: input_pkt = get_all_x(NTF) p_node = {} p_node["hdr"] = input_pkt p_node["port"] = in_port p_node["visits"] = [] p_node["hs_history"] = [] propagation.append(p_node) while len(propagation)>0: #get the next node in propagation graph and apply it to NTF and TTF log.debug("Propagation has length: %d"%len(propagation)) tmp_propagate = [] for p_node in propagation: next_hp = NTF.T(p_node["hdr"],p_node["port"]) for (next_h,next_ps) in next_hp: for next_p in next_ps: if next_p in out_ports: reached = {} reached["hdr"] = next_h reached["port"] = next_p reached["visits"] = list(p_node["visits"]) reached["visits"].append(p_node["port"]) reached["hs_history"] = list(p_node["hs_history"]) paths[in_port].append(reached) else: linked = TTF.T(next_h,next_p) for (linked_h,linked_ports) in linked: for linked_p in linked_ports: new_p_node = {} new_p_node["hdr"] = linked_h new_p_node["port"] = linked_p new_p_node["visits"] = list(p_node["visits"]) new_p_node["visits"].append(p_node["port"]) new_p_node["visits"].append(next_p) new_p_node["hs_history"] = list(p_node["hs_history"]) new_p_node["hs_history"].append(p_node["hdr"]) if linked_p in out_ports: paths[in_port].append(new_p_node) elif linked_p in new_p_node["visits"]: log.warn("WARNING: detected a loop - branch aborted: \nHeaderSpace: %s\n Visited Ports: %s\nLast Port %d "%(\ new_p_node["hdr"],new_p_node["visits"],new_p_node["port"])) else: tmp_propagate.append(new_p_node) propagation = tmp_propagate return paths # TODO(cs): highly redundant
[docs]def find_blackholes(NTF, TTF, edge_links, test_packet=None): '''Do any switches: - send packets into a down link? - drop packets that are supposed to go out their in_port? Specifically, checks whether it's possible for any packets to fall into the blackhole in the first place. ''' edge_ports = map(lambda access_link: get_uniq_port_id(access_link.switch, access_link.switch_port), edge_links) blackholes = [] propagation = [] if len(edge_ports) == 0: log.warn("No ports to check!") return [] for in_port in edge_ports: out_ports = list(set(edge_ports) - set([in_port])) # put all-x test packet in propagation graph input_pkt = test_packet if input_pkt == None: input_pkt = get_all_x(NTF) p_node = {} p_node["hdr"] = input_pkt p_node["port"] = in_port p_node["visits"] = [] p_node["hs_history"] = [] propagation.append(p_node) while len(propagation)>0: #get the next node in propagation graph and apply it to NTF and TTF log.debug("Propagation has length: %d"%len(propagation)) tmp_propagate = [] for p_node in propagation: next_hp = NTF.T(p_node["hdr"],p_node["port"]) propagated = False for (next_h,next_ps) in next_hp: propagated = True for next_p in next_ps: if next_p in out_ports: pass else: # Is an internal port linked = TTF.T(next_h,next_p) for (linked_h,linked_ports) in linked: for linked_p in linked_ports: new_p_node = {} new_p_node["hdr"] = linked_h new_p_node["port"] = linked_p new_p_node["visits"] = list(p_node["visits"]) new_p_node["visits"].append(p_node["port"]) new_p_node["visits"].append(next_p) new_p_node["hs_history"] = list(p_node["hs_history"]) new_p_node["hs_history"].append(p_node["hdr"]) if linked_p in out_ports: pass elif linked_p in new_p_node["visits"]: log.warn("WARNING: detected a loop - branch aborted: \nHeaderSpace: %s\n Visited Ports: %s\nLast Port %d "%(\ new_p_node["hdr"],new_p_node["visits"],new_p_node["port"])) else: tmp_propagate.append(new_p_node) if not propagated and len(list(p_node["visits"])) != 0: # Append a tuple: (last egress port, [preceding ports]) blackholes.append((next_p,list(p_node["visits"]))) propagation = tmp_propagate return blackholes
[docs]def get_all_x(NTF): all_x = byte_array_get_all_x(NTF.length) test_pkt = headerspace(NTF.format) test_pkt.add_hs(all_x) return test_pkt
[docs]def detect_loop(NTF, TTF, ports, test_packet = None): ports = list(ports) if len(ports) == 0: log.warn("No ports to check") return [] ports = translate_ports(ports) loops = [] for port in ports: log.debug("port %d is being checked"%port) propagation = [] # put all-x test packet in propagation graph test_pkt = test_packet if test_pkt == None: test_pkt = get_all_x(NTF) p_node = {} p_node["hdr"] = test_pkt p_node["port"] = port p_node["visits"] = [] p_node["hs_history"] = [] propagation.append(p_node) while len(propagation)>0: #get the next node in propagation graph and apply it to NTF and TTF log.debug("Propagation has length: %d"%len(propagation)) tmp_propag = [] for p_node in propagation: # hp is "header port" next_hp = NTF.T(p_node["hdr"],p_node["port"]) for (next_h,next_ps) in next_hp: for next_p in next_ps: linked = TTF.T(next_h,next_p) for (linked_h,linked_ports) in linked: for linked_p in linked_ports: new_p_node = {} new_p_node["hdr"] = linked_h new_p_node["port"] = linked_p new_p_node["visits"] = list(p_node["visits"]) new_p_node["visits"].append(p_node["port"]) #new_p_node["visits"].append(next_p) new_p_node["hs_history"] = list(p_node["hs_history"]) new_p_node["hs_history"].append(p_node["hdr"]) #print new_p_node if len(new_p_node["visits"]) > 0 and new_p_node["visits"][0] == linked_p: loops.append(new_p_node) log.warn("loop detected") elif linked_p in new_p_node["visits"]: if (linked_p not in ports): print "WARNING: detected a loop whose port is not in checked ports - branch aborted:" else: tmp_propag.append(new_p_node) propagation = tmp_propag return loops # TODO(cs): make this a parameter # TODO(cs): don't assume that cwd is the sts top directory
HASSEL_C_PATH = "./sts/headerspace/hassel-c" HASSEL_TF_PATH = HASSEL_C_PATH + "/tfs/sts"
[docs]def prepare_hassel_c(name_tf_pairs, TTF): if not os.path.exists(HASSEL_C_PATH + "/gen"): raise RuntimeError('''You need to make hassel-c! Run:\n''' '''$ (cd sts/headerspace/hassel-c; make)''') # Nuke old TF object files old_tfs = glob.glob(HASSEL_TF_PATH + "/*tf") for path in old_tfs: os.unlink(path) # Write out TF for each switch, and TTF to object files for name, tf in name_tf_pairs: tf.save_object_to_file(HASSEL_TF_PATH + "/" + name + ".tf") TTF.save_object_to_file(HASSEL_TF_PATH + "/") # Generate the .dat file # Make sure we're in the right cwd old_cwd = os.getcwd() try: os.chdir(HASSEL_C_PATH) os.system("./gen sts 1>/dev/null 2>&1") finally: os.chdir(old_cwd) # Omega defines the externally visible behavior of the network. Defined as a table: # (header space, edge_port) -> [(header_space, final_location),(header_space, final_location)...]
[docs]def compute_omega(name_tf_pairs, TTF, edge_links): prepare_hassel_c(name_tf_pairs, TTF) omega = {} # TODO(cs): need to model host end of link, or does switch end suffice? edge_ports = map(lambda access_link: get_uniq_port_id(access_link.switch, access_link.switch_port), edge_links) log.debug("edge_ports: %s" % edge_ports) for start_port in edge_ports: port_omega = compute_single_omega(start_port, list(edge_ports)) omega = dict(omega.items() + port_omega.items()) return omega
[docs]def invoke_hassel_c(start_port, edge_ports): ''' invoke reachability test, and return the proc object ''' if type(start_port) != int: start_port = get_uniq_port_id(start_port.switch, start_port.switch_port) if type(edge_ports) != list: edge_ports = list(edge_ports) if type(edge_ports[0]) != int: edge_ports = map(lambda access_link: get_uniq_port_id(access_link.switch, access_link.switch_port), edge_ports) edge_ports.remove(start_port) # Note that invoking # `sts 200002 200002 1000002` returns nothing, whereas # `sts 200002 100002 2000002` returns something. # It appears that hassel-c assumes that the out ports are sorted. edge_ports.sort() log.debug("port %d is being checked" % start_port) str_start_port = str(start_port) str_edge_ports = map(str, edge_ports) old_cwd = os.getcwd() try: os.chdir(HASSEL_C_PATH) proc = subprocess.Popen(["./sts", str(start_port)] + str_edge_ports, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=open('/dev/null', "w")) finally: os.chdir(old_cwd) return proc
[docs]def compute_single_omega(start_port, edge_ports): if type(start_port) != int: start_port = get_uniq_port_id(start_port.switch, start_port.switch_port) proc = invoke_hassel_c(start_port, edge_ports) omega = { start_port : [] } second_to_last_line = '' last_line = '' while True: # Format is: # <Original> Port: ... # <Next> Port: ... # ... # <Edge> Port: ... # HS: D0,D0,D0,D8,D123,D123,... # ----- # <Original> Port -> ... # ... line = proc.stdout.readline() if line == '': break print line.rstrip() if line.startswith("-----"): hs_string = last_line.split(":")[1].strip() # Get rid of commas (otherwise, will yield incorrect byte array) hs_string = hs_string.replace(",", "") port_stripped = second_to_last_line.split(":")[1].lstrip() out_port_string = port_stripped[0:port_stripped.index(",")] out_port = int(out_port_string) readable_hs = headerspace(of.hs_format) readable_hs.add_hs(hs_string_to_byte_array(hs_string)) omega[start_port].append((readable_hs, out_port)) second_to_last_line = last_line last_line = line return omega
[docs]def loop_path_to_str(p_node, reverse_map): str = "" for port in p_node["visits"]: if str == "": str = reverse_map["%d"%port] else: str = "%s ---> %s"%(str,reverse_map["%d"%port]) str = "%s ---> %s"%(str,reverse_map["%d"%p_node["port"]]) return str
[docs]def trace_hs_back(applied_rule_list,hs,last_port): port = last_port hs_list = [hs] hs.applied_rule_ids = [] for (tf,rule_id,in_port) in reversed(applied_rule_list): tmp = [] for next_hs in hs_list: hp = tf.T_inv_rule(rule_id,next_hs,port) for (h,p_list) in hp: if in_port in p_list: tmp.append(h) if tmp == []: break hs_list = tmp port = in_port return hs_list
[docs]def find_loop_original_header(NTF,TTF,propagation_node): applied_rule_ids = list(propagation_node["hdr"].applied_rule_ids) hs_list = trace_hs_back(applied_rule_ids,propagation_node["hdr"],propagation_node["port"]) return hs_list #def is_loop_infinite(NTF, TTF, propagation_node): # p_node = propagation_node # header_cpy = p_node["hdr"].copy() # while len(p_node['visits']) > 0: # cur_port = p_node['visits'].pop() # # transfer back on the link # linked = TTF.T_inv(p_node["hdr"],p_node["port"]) # # transfer back on node # prev_hp = NTF.T_inv(linked[0][0],linked[0][1]) # # prev_hs = headerspace(NTF.length) # for (h,p) in prev_hp: # if p == cur_port: # prev_hs.add_hs(h) # # p_node["hdr"] = prev_hs # p_node["port"] = cur_port #print "hret = %s and"%propagation_node["hdr"] #print "hret_inv = %s"%(p_node["hdr"]) # if propagation_node["hdr"].is_subset_of(p_node["hdr"]): # return (True,p_node["hdr"]) # else: # insect = propagation_node["hdr"].copy_intersect(p_node["hdr"]) # if insect.count() == 0: # return (False,[]) # else: # new_cpy = propagation_node.copy() # new_cpy["hdr"] = insect # return is_loop_infinite(NTF, TTF, new_cpy)