# Copyright 2011-2013 Colin Scott
# Copyright 2012-2013 Andrew Or
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Graphical representation of STS topology switch, host and link entities
from sts.entities import Host as STSHost, HostInterface as STSHostInterface, \
FuzzSoftwareSwitch as STSSwitch, AccessLink as STSAccessLink, \
Link as STSNetworkLink
from sts.gui.entities import GuiNode, GuiHost, GuiSwitch, GuiLink
from pox.lib.addresses import IPAddr, EthAddr
from pox.openflow.libopenflow_01 import ofp_phy_port
import os
import logging
import math
import json
from random import randint
from threading import Timer
from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
log = logging.getLogger("sts.gui")
[docs]class TopologyView(QtGui.QGraphicsView):
QGraphicsView that provides a graphical representation of STS topology
[docs] def __init__(self, sts_topology, parent=None, sync_period=2.0, debugging=False):
QtGui.QGraphicsView.__init__(self, parent)
self.topology_scene = QtGui.QGraphicsScene(self)
self.topology_scene.setSceneRect(-300, -300, 600, 600)
self.setStyleSheet("background: black")
self.scale(0.9, 0.9)
self.setMinimumSize(400, 400)
# Node boundaries
self.minX, self.maxX = -300, 300
self.minY, self.maxY = -200, 200
# Cursor
# Syncer updates topology scene to contain entities matching those in STS
self.syncer = STSSyncer(sts_topology, self, sync_period, debugging)
[docs] def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event):
''' Show context menu when right-clicking on empty space on the scene. '''
if not self.itemAt(event.pos()):
if event.button() == QtCore.Qt.RightButton:
popup = QtGui.QMenu()
popup.addAction("Turn %s Debug Messages" % ("Off" if self.syncer.debugging else "On"),
popup.addAction("Load State", self.syncer.load_state)
popup.addAction("Save State", self.syncer.save_state)
popup.addAction("Create Switch", self.syncer.create_switch)
QtGui.QGraphicsView.mouseReleaseEvent(self, event)
[docs]class STSSyncer:
Container of Node and Link objects in GUI that periodically syncs with STS Topology
[docs] def __init__(self, sts_topology, topology_view, sync_period=2.0, debugging=True):
self.dpid2switch = {}
self.hid2host = {}
self.access_links = []
self.network_links = []
self.sts_topology = sts_topology
self.topology_view = topology_view
self.topology_scene = topology_view.topology_scene
self.debugging = debugging
# Sync with STS topology
self.sts_topology = sts_topology
self.sync_period = sync_period
self.mismatch_count = 0
[docs] def switches(self):
return self.dpid2switch.values()
[docs] def hosts(self):
return self.hid2host.values()
[docs] def dpids(self):
return self.dpid2switch.keys()
[docs] def hids(self):
return self.hid2host.keys()
[docs] def links(self):
return self.access_links + self.network_links
[docs] def debug(self, msg):
if self.debugging:
print "sts.gui:%s" % msg
#TODO: Change back to log.debug(msg)
[docs] def toggle_debug_messages(self):
self.debugging = not self.debugging
[docs] def synced_with_sts(self):
''' Return True if GUI and STS share the same map of nodes and links '''
self.debug("\n================== GUI Sync Check ==================" +
"\n\tSwitches: \tSTS = %s, Gui = %s" %
(len(self.sts_topology.switches), len(self.switches)) +
"\n\tHosts: \tSTS = %s, Gui = %s" %
(len(self.sts_topology.hosts), len(self.hosts)) +
"\n\tAccess Link: \tSTS = %s, Gui = %s" %
(len(self.sts_topology.access_links), len(self.access_links)) +
"\n\tNetwork Link: \tSTS = %s, Gui = %s" %
(len(self.sts_topology.network_links), len(self.network_links)) +
if len(self.switches) != len(self.sts_topology.switches) or\
len(self.hosts) != len(self.sts_topology.hosts) or\
len(self.access_links) != len(self.sts_topology.access_links) or\
len(self.network_links) != len(self.sts_topology.network_links):
return False
for hid in self.sts_topology.hid2host.keys():
if hid not in self.hids:
return False
for dpid in self.sts_topology.dpid2switch.keys():
if dpid not in self.dpids:
return False
for hid in self.hids:
if hid not in self.sts_topology.hid2host.keys():
return False
for dpid in self.dpids:
if dpid not in self.sts_topology.dpid2switch.keys():
return False
return True
[docs] def sync_with_sts(self):
''' Resync all network elements if STS and GUI are persistently desynchronized '''
if self.sts_topology is None or self.synced_with_sts():
Timer(self.sync_period, self.sync_with_sts).start()
self.mismatch_count = 0
self.mismatch_count += 1
# If inconsistency between STS and GUI is persistent, resync
if self.mismatch_count >= 2:
self.mismatch_count = 0
# Remove all links in GUI
for link in self.links:
if link in self.topology_scene.items():
self.access_links = []
self.network_links = []
# Remove switches found in GUI but not STS
for dpid, switch in self.dpid2switch.items():
if dpid not in self.sts_topology.dpid2switch.keys():
if switch in self.topology_scene.items():
del self.dpid2switch[dpid]
self.debug("--- Removing switch with dpid = %d" % dpid)
# Remove hosts found in GUI but not STS
for hid, host in self.hid2host.items():
if hid not in self.sts_topology.hid2host.keys():
if host in self.topology_scene.items():
del self.hid2host[hid]
self.debug("--- Removing host with hid = %d" % hid)
# Add switches found in STS but not in GUI
for dpid in self.sts_topology.dpid2switch.keys():
self.debug("--- Adding new switch with dpid = %d" % dpid)
# Add hosts found in STS but not in GUI
for hid in self.sts_topology.hid2host.keys():
self.debug("--- Adding new host with dpid = %d!" % hid)
# Reconnect all access links
for access_link in self.sts_topology.access_links:
sts_host = access_link.host
sts_switch = access_link.switch
self.add_access_link(sts_host.hid, sts_switch.dpid)
self.debug("--- Adding new access link connecting Host %d <--> Switch %d!"
% (sts_host.hid, sts_switch.dpid))
# Reconnect all network links
for network_link in self.sts_topology.network_links:
sts_from_switch = network_link.start_software_switch
sts_to_switch = network_link.end_software_switch
self.add_network_link(sts_from_switch.dpid, sts_to_switch.dpid)
self.debug("--- Adding new network link connecting Switch %d --> Switch %d!"
% (sts_from_switch.dpid, sts_to_switch.dpid))
Timer(self.sync_period, self.sync_with_sts).start()
[docs] def reset(self):
''' Reset GUI topology '''
for item in self.hosts + self.switches + self.links:
if item in self.topology_scene.items():
self.hid2host = {}
self.dpid2switch = {}
self.access_links = []
self.network_links = []
[docs] def add_host(self, hid, position=None):
''' Add and register a host in GUI with the given hid and position '''
if hid is None or hid in self.hids:
host = GuiHost(self.topology_view, hid)
self.hid2host[hid] = host
if position is None:
position = (randint(self.topology_view.minX, self.topology_view.maxX),
randint(self.topology_view.minY, self.topology_view.maxY))
host.setPos(position[0], position[1])
[docs] def add_switch(self, dpid, position=None):
''' Add and register a switch in GUI with the given dpid and position '''
if dpid is None or dpid in self.dpids:
switch = GuiSwitch(self.topology_view, dpid)
self.dpid2switch[dpid] = switch
if position is None:
position = (randint(self.topology_view.minX, self.topology_view.maxX),
randint(self.topology_view.minY, self.topology_view.maxY))
switch.setPos(position[0], position[1])
[docs] def add_access_link(self, hid, dpid):
''' Add and register an access link in GUI '''
if hid is None or\
dpid is None or\
hid not in self.hids or\
dpid not in self.dpids:
link = GuiLink(self.topology_view, self.hid2host[hid], self.dpid2switch[dpid])
[docs] def add_network_link(self, from_dpid, to_dpid):
''' Add and register a unidirectional network link in GUI '''
if from_dpid is None or\
to_dpid is None or\
from_dpid not in self.dpids or\
to_dpid not in self.dpids:
link = GuiLink(self.topology_view, self.dpid2switch[from_dpid], self.dpid2switch[to_dpid])
[docs] def get_sts_host(self, gui_host):
''' Given a host in GUI, return the corresponding host in STS by hid '''
if gui_host.id in self.sts_topology.hid2host.keys():
return self.sts_topology.hid2host[gui_host.id]
return None
[docs] def get_sts_switch(self, gui_switch):
''' Given a switch in GUI, return the corresponding switch in STS by dpid '''
if gui_switch.id in self.sts_topology.dpid2switch.keys():
return self.sts_topology.dpid2switch[gui_switch.id]
return None
[docs] def create_switch(self, dpid=None):
''' Create a switch with the given dpid in both STS and GUI '''
if dpid is None:
dpid = max(self.dpid2switch.keys()) + 1
num_ports = 2
switch = self.sts_topology.create_switch(dpid, num_ports)
[docs] def remove_switch(self, dpid):
Remove a switch in both STS and GUI, along with all associated links and any
dangling hosts previously attached
if dpid is None or dpid not in self.dpids:
gui_switch = self.dpid2switch[dpid]
sts_switch = self.sts_topology.dpid2switch[dpid]
# Remove associated network links in GUI
network_links_to_remove = []
for network_link in self.network_links:
if network_link.source is gui_switch or\
network_link.dest is gui_switch:
for network_link in network_links_to_remove:
if network_link in self.topology_scene.items():
# Remove associated access links in GUI
access_links_to_remove = []
for access_link in self.access_links:
if access_link.dest is gui_switch:
for access_link in access_links_to_remove:
gui_host = access_link.source
if access_link in self.topology_scene.items():
# Remove dangling hosts in GUI, if any
if len(gui_host.linkList) == 0:
if gui_host in self.topology_scene.items():
del self.hid2host[gui_host.id]
# Remove switch in GUI
if gui_switch in self.topology_scene.items():
del self.dpid2switch[dpid]
[docs] def attach_host_to_switch(self, dpid):
''' Create a host and attach it to the switch with the given dpid in both STS and GUI '''
if dpid is None or dpid not in self.dpids:
sts_switch = self.sts_topology.dpid2switch[dpid]
sts_host = self.sts_topology.create_host(sts_switch, get_switch_port=
lambda switch: self.sts_topology.link_tracker.find_unused_port(switch))
hid = sts_host.hid
# Situate the new host near the switch
gui_switch = self.dpid2switch[dpid]
host_x = randint(int(gui_switch.x())-100, int(gui_switch.x())+100)
host_y = randint(int(gui_switch.y())-100, int(gui_switch.y())+100)
if host_x < self.topology_view.minX:
host_x = self.topology_view.minX
if host_x > self.topology_view.maxX:
host_x = self.topology_view.maxX
if host_y < self.topology_view.minY:
host_y = self.topology_view.minY
if host_y > self.topology_view.maxY:
host_y = self.topology_view.maxY
self.add_host(hid, (host_x, host_y))
self.add_access_link(hid, dpid)
[docs] def remove_host(self, hid):
''' Remove a host and all associated access links in both STS and GUI '''
if hid is None or hid not in self.hids:
gui_host = self.hid2host[hid]
sts_host = self.sts_topology.hid2host[hid]
# Remove access links in GUI
for access_link in self.access_links:
if access_link.source is gui_host:
if access_link in self.topology_scene.items():
# Remove host in GUI
if gui_host in self.topology_scene.items():
del self.hid2host[hid]
[docs] def create_network_link(self, from_dpid, to_dpid):
''' Create a unidirectional network link in both STS and GUI '''
if from_dpid is None or\
to_dpid is None or\
from_dpid not in self.dpids or\
to_dpid not in self.dpids:
sts_from_switch = self.sts_topology.dpid2switch[from_dpid]
sts_to_switch = self.sts_topology.dpid2switch[to_dpid]
self.sts_topology.create_network_link(sts_from_switch, None, sts_to_switch, None)
self.add_network_link(from_dpid, to_dpid)
[docs] def remove_network_link(self, from_dpid, to_dpid):
''' Remove a unidirectional network link in both STS and GUI '''
if from_dpid is None or\
to_dpid is None or\
from_dpid not in self.dpids or\
to_dpid not in self.dpids:
sts_from_switch = self.sts_topology.dpid2switch[from_dpid]
sts_to_switch = self.sts_topology.dpid2switch[to_dpid]
self.sts_topology.remove_network_link(sts_from_switch, sts_to_switch)
gui_from_switch = self.dpid2switch[from_dpid]
gui_to_switch = self.dpid2switch[to_dpid]
for link in self.network_links:
if link.source is gui_from_switch and link.dest is gui_to_switch:
[docs] def save_state(self):
Save all JSON serialized entities of both the STS and GUI topologies to a file
Each line is in the format (<entity type>, <serialized form>):
"s" = switch
"h" = host
"l" = network link
Access links need not be saved, because there is a one to one correspondence
between hosts and access links
lines = []
for gui_switch in self.switches:
sts_switch = self.get_sts_switch(gui_switch)
line = json.dumps(("s", self.serialize_switch(gui_switch, sts_switch)))
for gui_host in self.hosts:
sts_host = self.get_sts_host(gui_host)
line = json.dumps(("h", self.serialize_host(gui_host, sts_host)))
for link in self.sts_topology.network_links:
line = json.dumps(("l", self.serialize_network_link(link)))
title = "Specify file to store topology state"
filename = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self.topology_view, title, "gui/layouts")
f = QtCore.QFile(filename)
for line in lines:
f.write(QtCore.QByteArray(line + "\n"))
[docs] def load_state(self):
Load all JSON serialized entities of both the STS and GUI topologies from a file
Each line is in the format (type, serialized_entity):
"s" = switch
"h" = host
"l" = network link
Switches must be loaded first
title = "Load topology layout from file"
filename = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self.topology_view, title, "gui/layouts")
f = QtCore.QFile(filename)
if not f.open(QtCore.QIODevice.ReadOnly):
self.debug("Error in load_state: Cannot open specified file!")
line = f.readLine()
if line.isNull():
self.debug("Error in load_state: Empty file!")
# Reset both STS and GUI topology
type2handler = {
"s" : self.deserialize_switch,
"h" : self.deserialize_host,
"l" : self.deserialize_network_link,
while not line.isNull():
(type, s) = json.loads(str(line))
if type not in type2handler.keys():
self.debug("Error in load_state: Unparseable line detected!")
line = f.readLine()
[docs] def serialize_host(self, gui_host, sts_host):
Format Example:
ingress_switch_dpids = set()
for access_link in self.access_links:
if access_link.source.id == gui_host.id:
ingress_switch_dpids = list(ingress_switch_dpids)
position = (round(gui_host.x(), 2), round(gui_host.y(), 2))
info = {}
info["ingress_switch_dpids"] = ingress_switch_dpids
info["position"] = position
return json.dumps(info)
[docs] def serialize_switch(self, gui_switch, sts_switch):
Format Example:
dpid = sts_switch.dpid
numports = len(sts_switch.ports.values())
position = (round(gui_switch.x(), 2), round(gui_switch.y(), 2))
info = {}
info["dpid"] = dpid
info["numports"] = numports
info["position"] = position
return json.dumps(info)
[docs] def serialize_network_link(self, sts_link):
Format Example:
link_info = {}
link_info["from_switch_dpid"] = sts_link.start_software_switch.dpid
link_info["to_switch_dpid"] = sts_link.end_software_switch.dpid
return json.dumps(link_info)
[docs] def deserialize_host(self, s):
Format Example:
info = json.loads(s)
ingress_switch_dpids = info["ingress_switch_dpids"]
position = info["position"]
sts_ingress_switches = []
for dpid in ingress_switch_dpids:
sts_host = self.sts_topology.create_host(sts_ingress_switches)
self.add_host(sts_host.hid, position)
for dpid in ingress_switch_dpids:
self.add_access_link(sts_host.hid, dpid)
[docs] def deserialize_switch(self, s):
Format Example:
info = json.loads(s)
dpid = info["dpid"]
numports = info["numports"]
position = info["position"]
sts_switch = self.sts_topology.create_switch(dpid, numports)
self.add_switch(dpid, position)
[docs] def deserialize_network_link(self, s):
Format Example:
info = json.loads(s)
from_switch_dpid = info["from_switch_dpid"]
to_switch_dpid = info["to_switch_dpid"]
sts_from_switch = self.sts_topology.dpid2switch[from_switch_dpid]
sts_to_switch = self.sts_topology.dpid2switch[to_switch_dpid]
sts_link = self.sts_topology.create_network_link(sts_from_switch, None, sts_to_switch, None)
self.add_network_link(from_switch_dpid, to_switch_dpid)