Source code for sts.god_scheduler

# Copyright 2011-2013 Colin Scott
# Copyright 2011-2013 Andreas Wundsam
# Copyright 2012-2013 Sam Whitlock
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
from sts.fingerprints.messages import *
import sts.replay_event
from pox.lib.revent import Event, EventMixin
import logging
log = logging.getLogger("god_scheduler")

[docs]class PendingMessage(Event):
[docs] def __init__(self, pending_message, send_event=False): # TODO(cs): boolean flag is ugly. Should use subclasses, but EventMixin # doesn't support addListener() on super/subclasses. super(PendingMessage, self).__init__() self.pending_message = pending_message self.send_event = send_event # TODO(cs): move me to another file?
[docs]class GodScheduler(EventMixin): ''' Models asynchrony: chooses when switches get to process packets from controllers. Buffers packets until they are pulled off the buffer and chosen by god ( to be processed. ''' _eventMixin_events = set([PendingMessage])
[docs] def __init__(self): # keep around a queue for each switch of pending openflow messages waiting to # arrive at the switches. # { pending receive -> [(connection, pending ofp)_1, (connection, pending ofp)_2, ...] } self.pendingreceive2conn_messages = defaultdict(list) # { pending send -> [(connection, pending ofp)_1, (connection, pending ofp)_2, ...] } self.pendingsend2conn_messages = defaultdict(list)
def _pass_through_handler(self, message_event): ''' handler for pass-through mode ''' pending_message = message_event.pending_message # Pass through self.schedule(pending_message) # Record if message_event.send_event: replay_event_class = sts.replay_event.ControlMessageSend else: replay_event_class = sts.replay_event.ControlMessageReceive replay_event = replay_event_class(pending_message.dpid, pending_message.controller_id, pending_message.fingerprint) self.passed_through_events.append(replay_event)
[docs] def set_pass_through(self): ''' Cause all message receipts to pass through immediately without being buffered''' self.passed_through_events = [] self.addListener(PendingMessage, self._pass_through_receive_handler)
[docs] def unset_pass_through(self): '''Unset pass through mode, and return any events that were passed through since pass through mode was set''' self.removeListener(self._pass_through_handler) passed_events = self.passed_through_events self.passed_through_events = [] return passed_events
[docs] def message_receipt_waiting(self, pending_message): ''' Return whether the pending message receive is available ''' return pending_message in self.pendingreceive2conn_messages
[docs] def message_send_waiting(self, pending_message): ''' Return whether the pending send is available ''' return pending_message in self.pendingsend2conn_messages
[docs] def schedule(self, pending_message): ''' Cause the switch to process the pending message associated with the fingerprint and controller connection. ''' receive = type(pending_message) == PendingReceive if receive: if not self.message_receipt_waiting(pending_message): raise ValueError("No such pending message %s" % pending_message) multiset = self.pendingreceive2conn_messages else: if not self.message_send_waiting(pending_message): raise ValueError("No such pending message %s" % pending_message) multiset = self.pendingsend2conn_messages (conn, message) = multiset[pending_message].pop(0) # Avoid memory leak: if multiset[pending_message] == []: del multiset[pending_message] if receive: conn.allow_message_receipt(message) else: conn.allow_message_send(message) # TODO(cs): make this a factory method that returns DefferedOFConnection objects # with bound god_scheduler.insert() method. (much cleaner API + separation of concerns)
[docs] def insert_pending_receipt(self, dpid, controller_id, ofp_message, conn): ''' Called by DefferedOFConnection to insert messages into our buffer ''' fingerprint = OFFingerprint.from_pkt(ofp_message) conn_message = (conn, ofp_message) pending_receive = PendingReceive(dpid, controller_id, fingerprint) self.pendingreceive2conn_messages[pending_receive].append(conn_message) self.raiseEventNoErrors(PendingMessage(pending_receive)) # TODO(cs): make this a factory method that returns DefferedOFConnection objects # with bound god_scheduler.insert() method. (much cleaner API + separation of concerns)
[docs] def insert_pending_send(self, dpid, controller_id, ofp_message, conn): ''' Called by DefferedOFConnection to insert messages into our buffer ''' fingerprint = OFFingerprint.from_pkt(ofp_message) conn_message = (conn, ofp_message) pending_send = PendingSend(dpid, controller_id, fingerprint) self.pendingsend2conn_messages[pending_send].append(conn_message) self.raiseEventNoErrors(PendingMessage(pending_send, send_event=True))
[docs] def pending_receives(self): ''' Return the message receipts which are waiting to be scheduled ''' return self.pendingreceive2conn_messages.keys()
[docs] def pending_sends(self): ''' Return the message sends which are waiting to be scheduled ''' return self.pendingsend2conn_messages.keys()
[docs] def flush(self): ''' Garbage collect any previous pending messages ''' num_pending_messages = (len(self.pendingreceive2conn_messages) + len(self.pendingsend2conn_messages)) if num_pending_messages > 0:"Flushing %d pending messages" % num_pending_messages) self.pendingreceive2conn_messages = defaultdict(list) self.pendingsend2conn_messages = defaultdict(list)
PendingReceive = namedtuple('PendingReceive', ['dpid', 'controller_id', 'fingerprint']) PendingSend = namedtuple('PendingSend', ['dpid', 'controller_id', 'fingerprint'])