Source code for sts.event_dag

# Copyright 2011-2013 Colin Scott
# Copyright 2011-2013 Andreas Wundsam
# Copyright 2012-2013 Sam Whitlock
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from sts.fingerprints.messages import *
from sts.replay_event import *
from pox.openflow.software_switch import DpPacketOut
import logging
import time
import math
from sys import maxint
from collections import defaultdict
from sts.util.convenience import find_index
log = logging.getLogger("event_dag")

[docs]def split_list(l, split_ways): ''' Split our inputs into split_ways separate lists ''' if split_ways < 1: raise ValueError("Split ways must be greater than 0") splits = [] split_interval = len(l) / split_ways # integer division = floor remainder = len(l) % split_ways # remainder is guaranteed to be less than splitways start_idx = 0 while len(splits) < split_ways: split_idx = start_idx + split_interval # the first 'remainder' chunks are made one element larger to chew # up the remaining elements (remainder < splitways) # note: len(l) = split_ways * split_interval + remainder if remainder > 0: split_idx += 1 remainder -= 1 splits.append(l[start_idx:split_idx]) start_idx = split_idx return splits
[docs]class AtomicInput(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, failure, recovery): self.failure = failure self.recovery = recovery
[docs] def label(self): return "a(%s,%s)" % (self.failure.label, self.recovery.label,)
def __repr__(self): return "AtomicInput:%r%r" % (self.failure, self.recovery)
[docs]class EventDagView(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, parent, events_list): ''' subset is a list ''' self._parent = parent self._events_list = list(events_list) self._events_set = set(self._events_list)
[docs] def events(self): '''Return the events in the DAG''' return self._events_list
[docs] def input_events(self): # TODO(cs): memoize? return [ e for e in self._events_list if isinstance(e, InputEvent) and e.prunable ]
[docs] def atomic_input_events(self): return self._parent._atomic_input_events(self.input_events)
[docs] def input_subset(self, subset): '''pre: subset must be a subset of only this view''' return self._parent.input_subset(subset)
[docs] def atomic_input_subset(self, subset): '''pre: subset must be a subset of only this view''' return self._parent.atomic_input_subset(subset)
[docs] def input_complement(self, subset): return self._parent.input_complement(subset, self._events_list)
[docs] def insert_atomic_inputs(self, inputs): return self._parent.insert_atomic_inputs(inputs, events_list=self._events_list)
[docs] def add_inputs(self, inputs): return self._parent.add_inputs(inputs, self._events_list)
[docs] def next_state_change(self, index): return self._parent.next_state_change(index,
[docs] def get_original_index_for_event(self, event): return self._parent.get_original_index_for_event(event)
def __len__(self): return len(self._events_list) # TODO(cs): move these somewhere else
[docs]def migrations_per_host(events): host2migrations = defaultdict(list) for e in events: if type(e) == HostMigration: host2migrations[e.host_id].append(e) return host2migrations
[docs]def replace_migration(replacee, old_location, new_location, event_list): # `replacee' is the migration to be replaced # Don't mutate replacee -- instead, replace it new_migration = HostMigration(old_location[0], old_location[1], new_location[0], new_location[1], host_id=replacee.host_id, time=replacee.time, label=replacee.label) # TODO(cs): O(n^2) index = event_list.index(replacee) event_list[index] = new_migration return new_migration
[docs]class EventDag(object): '''A collection of Event objects. EventDags are primarily used to present a view of the underlying events with some subset of the input events pruned ''' # We peek ahead this many seconds after the timestamp of the subseqeunt # event # TODO(cs): be smarter about this -- peek() too far, and peek()'ing not far # enough can both have negative consequences _peek_seconds = 0.3 # If we prune a failure, make sure that the subsequent # recovery doesn't occur _failure_types = set([SwitchFailure, LinkFailure, ControllerFailure, ControlChannelBlock]) # NOTE: we treat failure/recovery as an atomic pair, since it doesn't make # much sense to prune a recovery event _recovery_types = set([SwitchRecovery, LinkRecovery, ControllerRecovery, ControlChannelUnblock]) # ignoring these input types _ignored_input_types = set([WaitTime])
[docs] def __init__(self, events, prefix_trie=None): '''events is a list of EventWatcher objects. Refer to log_parser.parse to see how this is assembled.''' # TODO(cs): ugly that the superclass has to keep track of # PeekingEventDag's data self._prefix_trie = prefix_trie self._events_list = events self._events_set = set(self._events_list) self._label2event = { event.label : event for event in self._events_list } self._event2idx = { event : i for i, event in enumerate(self._events_list) } # TODO(cs): this should be moved to a dag transformer class self._host2initial_location = { host : migrations[0].old_location for host, migrations in migrations_per_host(self._events_list).iteritems() }
[docs] def events(self): '''Return the events in the DAG''' return self._events_list
[docs] def input_events(self): # TODO(cs): memoize? return [ e for e in self._events_list if isinstance(e, InputEvent) and e.prunable ]
[docs] def atomic_input_events(self): return self._atomic_input_events(self.input_events)
def _atomic_input_events(self, inputs): # TODO(cs): memoize? skipped_recoveries = set() atomic_inputs = [] for e in inputs: if e in skipped_recoveries: continue if type(e) in self._failure_types and e.dependent_labels != []: if len(e.dependent_labels) != 1: raise RuntimeError("Not expected to have more than one dependent label") recovery = self._label2event[e.dependent_labels[0]] skipped_recoveries.add(recovery) atomic_inputs.append(AtomicInput(e, recovery)) else: atomic_inputs.append(e) return atomic_inputs def _expand_atomics(self, atomic_inputs): inputs = [] for e in atomic_inputs: if type(e) == AtomicInput: inputs.append(e.failure) inputs.append(e.recovery) else: inputs.append(e) inputs.sort(key=lambda e: self._event2idx[e]) return inputs
[docs] def filter_unsupported_input_types(self): return EventDagView(self, (e for e in self._events_list if type(e) not in self._ignored_input_types))
[docs] def compute_remaining_input_events(self, ignored_portion, events_list=None): ''' ignore all input events in ignored_inputs, as well all of their dependent input events''' if events_list is None: events_list = remaining = [] for event in events_list: if event not in ignored_portion: remaining.append(event) else: # Add dependent to ignored_portion for label in event.dependent_labels: # Note that recoveries will be a dependent of preceding failures dependent_event = self._label2event[label] ignored_portion.add(dependent_event) # Update the migration locations in remaining self.update_migrations(remaining, ignored_portion, events_list) return remaining
[docs] def update_migrations(self, remaining, ignored_portion, events_list): ''' Walk through remaining input events, and update the source location of the host migration. For example, if one host migrates twice: location A -> location B -> location C And the first migration is pruned, update the second HostMigration event to look like: location A -> location C Note: mutates remaining ''' # TODO(cs): this should be moved outside of EventDag # TODO(cs): this algorithm could be simplified substantially by invoking # migrations_per_host() # keep track of the most recent location of the host that did not involve # a pruned HostMigration event # location is: (ingress dpid, ingress port no) currentloc2unprunedloc = {} for m in [e for e in events_list if type(e) == HostMigration]: src = m.old_location dst = m.new_location if m in ignored_portion: if src in currentloc2unprunedloc: # There was a prior migration in ignored_portion # Update the new dst to point back to the unpruned location unprunedlocation = currentloc2unprunedloc[src] del currentloc2unprunedloc[src] currentloc2unprunedloc[dst] = unprunedlocation else: # We are the first migration for this host in ignored_portion # Point to our tail currentloc2unprunedloc[dst] = src else: # m in remaining if src in currentloc2unprunedloc: # There was a prior migration in ignored_portion # Replace this HostMigration with a new one, with source at the # last unpruned location unpruned_loc = currentloc2unprunedloc[src] del currentloc2unprunedloc[src] new_loc = dst replace_migration(m, unpruned_loc, new_loc, remaining)
def _ignored_except_internals_and_recoveries(self, ignored_portion): # Note that dependent_labels only contains dependencies between input # events. Dependencies with internal events are inferred by EventScheduler. # Also note that we treat failure/recovery as an atomic pair, so we don't prune # recovery events on their own. return set(e for e in ignored_portion if (isinstance(e, InputEvent) and e.prunable and type(e) not in self._recovery_types)) def _ignored_except_internals(self, ignored_portion): return set(e for e in ignored_portion if isinstance(e, InputEvent) and e.prunable)
[docs] def input_subset(self, subset): ''' Return a view of the dag with only the subset and subset dependents remaining''' ignored = self._events_set - set(subset) ignored = self._ignored_except_internals_and_recoveries(ignored) remaining_events = self.compute_remaining_input_events(ignored) return EventDagView(self, remaining_events)
[docs] def atomic_input_subset(self, subset): ''' Return a view of the dag with only the subset remaining, where dependent input pairs remain together''' # Relatively simple: expand atomic pairs into individual inputs, take # all input events in result, and compute_remaining_input_events as normal subset = self._expand_atomics(subset) ignored = self._events_set - set(subset) ignored = self._ignored_except_internals(ignored) remaining_events = self.compute_remaining_input_events(ignored) return EventDagView(self, remaining_events)
[docs] def input_complement(self, subset, events_list=None): ''' Return a view of the dag with everything except the subset and subset dependencies''' subset = self._ignored_except_internals_and_recoveries(subset) remaining_events = self.compute_remaining_input_events(subset, events_list) return EventDagView(self, remaining_events)
def _straighten_inserted_migrations(self, remaining_events): ''' This is a bit hairy: when migrations are added back in, there may be gaps in host locations. We need to straighten out those gaps -- i.e. make the series of host migrations for any given host a line. Pre: remaining_events is sorted in the same relative order as the original trace ''' host2migrations = migrations_per_host(remaining_events) for host, migrations in host2migrations.iteritems(): # Prime the loop with the initial location previous_location = self._host2initial_location[host] for m in migrations: if m.old_location != previous_location: replacement = replace_migration(m, previous_location, m.new_location, remaining_events) else: replacement = m previous_location = replacement.new_location return remaining_events
[docs] def insert_atomic_inputs(self, atomic_inputs, events_list=None): '''Insert inputs into events_list in the same relative order as the original events list. This method is needed because set union as used in delta debugging does not make sense for event sequences (events are ordered)''' # Note: events_list should never be None (I think), since it does not make # sense to insert inputs into the original sequence that are already present if events_list is None: raise ValueError("Shouldn't be adding inputs to the original trace") inputs = self._expand_atomics(atomic_inputs) if not all(e in self._event2idx for e in inputs): raise ValueError("Not all inputs present in original events list %s" % [e for e in input if e not in self._event2idx]) if not all(e in self._event2idx for e in events_list): raise ValueError("Not all events in original events list %s" % [e for e in events_list if e not in self._event2idx]) result = [] for i, successor in enumerate(events_list): orig_successor_idx = self._event2idx[successor] while len(inputs) > 0 and orig_successor_idx > self._event2idx[inputs[0]]: # If the current successor did in fact come after the next input in the # original trace, insert next input here input = inputs.pop(0) result.append(input) result.append(successor) # Any remaining inputs should be appended at the end -- they had no # successors result += inputs # Deal with newly added host migrations result = self._straighten_inserted_migrations(result) return EventDagView(self, result)
[docs] def mark_invalid_input_sequences(self): '''Fill in domain knowledge about valid input sequences (e.g. don't prune failure without pruning recovery.) Only do so if this isn't a view of a previously computed DAG''' # TODO(cs): should this be factored out? # Note: we treat each failure/recovery pair atomically, since it doesn't # make much sense to prune recovery events. Also note that that we will # never see two failures (for a particular node) in a row without an # interleaving recovery event fingerprint2previousfailure = {} # NOTE: mutates the elements of self._events_list for event in self._events_list: if hasattr(event, 'fingerprint'): # Skip over the class name fingerprint = event.fingerprint[1:] if type(event) in self._failure_types: # Insert it into the previous failure hash fingerprint2previousfailure[fingerprint] = event elif type(event) in self._recovery_types: # Check if there were any failure predecessors if fingerprint in fingerprint2previousfailure: failure = fingerprint2previousfailure[fingerprint] failure.dependent_labels.append(event.label) #elif type(event) in self._ignored_input_types: # raise RuntimeError("No support for %s dependencies" % # type(event).__name__)
[docs] def next_state_change(self, index, events=None): ''' Return the next ControllerStateChange that occurs at or after index.''' if events is None: events = # TODO(cs): for now, assumes a single controller for event in events[index:]: if type(event) == ControllerStateChange: return event return None
[docs] def get_original_index_for_event(self, event): return self._event2idx[event]
def __len__(self): return len(self._events_list)